- Choose your mode
- Download the Symphony Messaging Desktop App (SDA)
- Manage your chat layout
- @mention others
- Accept/decline chats
- Active Symphony Messaging Meeting options
- Activity Feed
- Add members to existing chats
- Add-ons: apps, bots, and integrations
- Advanced Search
- Apply Windows language settings for Symphony Messaging
- Attachment limitations
- Auditorium room functionality
- Auto-accept connection requests
- Blast a message
- Change the language in Symphony Messaging
- Change the name of a chat room
- Chat details
- Check the Symphony Messaging Desktop App (SDA) version
- Clear all notifications
- Clear cache and reload
- Configure additional audio devices for Symphony Messaging Meetings
- Configure different sound notifications for messages
- Configure flash notifications in the taskbar
- Configure ipushpull
- Contact Import App
- Create a chat room
- Create and save workspaces
- Create and update chat folders
- Customize your chat rooms