Auditorium room functionality

The maximum number of users that can be added to a single Symphony Messaging room depends on the configuration of your Symphony Messaging instance, and can be confirmed with your Technical Account Manager (TAM) or the Symphony Support Team.

All rooms with a current membership of more than 500 users are categorized as Auditorium rooms.

Auditorium rooms have the following characteristics compared to smaller chat rooms:

  • Only owners see system messages indicating that a user has joined or left.
  • Delivery receipts are not generated for any messages; read receipts are available.
  • Join and leave events are only sent to the person joining or leaving and to the requester. They are not distributed to any other members of the room.
  • The chime functionality is disabled.
  • The count of members in the room does not refresh automatically. A user can obtain the current number of members via the information section for the room or by refreshing Symphony Messaging (Press Ctrl + R to reload).

If you require further assistance with an Auditorium room, please contact the Symphony Support team at