Cloud9 blank login screen

A blank Cloud9 login screen is caused by a corruption in the Windows repository folder.

To fix this blank screen:

  1. Open Notepad.
  2. Copy the following script and paste it into Notepad.
@echo off
sc config winmgmt start= disabled
net stop winmgmt /y
cd %windir%\system32\wbem
for /f %%s in ('dir /b *.dll') do regsvr32 /s %%s
wmiprvse /regserver
winmgmt /regserver
sc config winmgmt start= auto
net start winmgmt
for /f %%s in ('dir /s /b *.mof *.mfl') do mofcomp %%s

  1. Select the *.bat file type in the Save as type dropdown menu..

  1. Save the file to the user's desktop and run the script as an administrator.
  2. Restart the machine after the script has run.