Background Noise Suppression

Background noise suppression uses AI technology to eliminate any level of background noise while on a call, ensuring distraction-free calls. There are three levels of noise suppression available to choose from.

  • Low: Suppresses low levels of background noise, such as a computer fan or air conditioner.
  • Medium (default value for non-VDI users): Suppresses background noises except voices, such as music or sirens.
  • High: Suppresses all background noise that isn’t your voice. Only your voice will be transmitted.  Currently, this can only be set for a single handset device (not available for Microphone).

You can set a different level of background noise suppression for each audio device on Cloud9 Trader.

To activate background noise suppression:

  1. Go to the Settings and select the Audio Devices tab.
  2. Set the noise suppression level in the Background noise suppression dropdown menu of each audio device:

Important limitations:

  • Background noise suppression is NOT AVAILABLE for VDI users.
  • If you have the Neighbor feature enabled (Working Remotely is not selected on login), you will not be able to set background noise suppression for your Microphone device, but only for Handsets devices.
  • Only one Handset device can be set to High at a time.