Each connection type must have a default audio device set so the application knows where to send the call when it is received.
To configure and change your default devices:
- Go to the Settings menu .
- Select the Audio Devices tab.
- Click the Connection Type icons for each Microphone, Left Handset or Right Handset device to set the default audio devices for each connection. Assigning a connection type to a device removes that selection choice for the other devices.
The connection type for each audio device is selected in blue. You can configure your default devices to match your preferences. Therefore, in Figure 1, the configuration is as follows:
- Microphone is the default device type for Shout Downs, Intercom, TV Audio Broadcast and Hoots.
- Left Handset is the default device for Ring Downs and Dial Tone calls.
- Right Handset is not set as a default device for any connection type.