Configure a Broadcast Group

Configuring a Broadcast Group is a two-part part process:

  • Create and place the Broadcast button.
  • Add your counterparty connections (Shoutdowns) to the Broadcast button.

You can find more information on Broadcast Groups in the What are Broadcast Groups? article.

Create and place the Broadcast button

  1. Navigate to a page where at least one button position is free to assign your new Broadcast button appearance.
  2. Select the Edit Page icon to allow button positions on this page to be organized.


  1. Select an available button position.

  1. Use the dropdown menu to select and place one of your predefined Broadcast buttons on this button position.

  1. Press Save and Exit to create your new Broadcast Group button.

Add your counterparty connections (Shoutdowns) to the Broadcast button

  1. Using your computer right-mouse button, select your Broadcast button to display the Settings menu.
  2. Select the Advanced Settings menu.


  1. Select the Add Additional Connections dropdown menu to display and select one of your existing counterparty connections.

mceclip1.png     mceclip2.png

Note: This menu will list all available counterparty Shoutdown button appearances.

  1. Select the Add button to add this counterparty connection to your Broadcast button.

This process can be repeated to allow a maximum of ten counterparty connections to be grouped to a single Broadcast button. As each counterparty connection is added, the Advanced settings menu displays the complete grouping.

  1. Press the Save button to update all counterparty connections changes to your new Broadcast button.
