When logged in to the Cloud9 Trader, take a minute to organize your layout as desired.
- At the top left corner of the application, select the Edit button.
Within edit mode, you can:
- Drag and drop buttons to organize your connections
- Edit the label of your button layout pages.
- Select the Edit Page Label button to change the name of the button page.
- Drag and drop a Connection button to the button vacant location of your choice or swap buttons.
Multiple connections can be moved to new pages by selecting the buttons and then dragging and dropping to vacant location(s).
- If you want to move connections to a page out of view, drag their buttons to either the forwards or backwards page scroller until the page is displayed, and drop them in their new location.
You can drag and drop your favorite connections to the Favorites panel. Connections added to the Favorites panel will always remain in view.
- Click Save & Exit to save your button layout.
To delete a connection, follow the steps described in the Delete connections article.