You can create and edit hyperlinks in a Symphony chat room in three ways:
- From the message field.
- From the Rich Text Editor in composition mode.
- By pasting an existing link into a chat room.
From the message field
- Enter your message or paste a URL, highlight the text or URL you wish to become a hyperlink, and select the Add hyperlink button.
- Enter or edit the hyperlink text, type or paste the URL below it , and select OK.
After sending the message, chat members can click the hyperlink to open it in their browser.
From the Rich Text Editor in composition mode
- Click or press Ctrl+Shift+X to be in composition mode.
- Enter your message or paste a URL, highlight the text or URL, and select the Add hyperlink button.
- Enter or edit the hyperlink text, type or paste the URL below it , and select OK.
Copy-paste an existing hyperlink
You can paste an existing hyperlink from another document, for example a word processing document or a PDF, directly into a Symphony chat room, and it will retain the original hyperlink.
- Hover over a hyperlink to display a URL preview that allows you to verify the address behind the link.
- To correct an error in the hyperlink, use the hyperlink editor (Selecting Delete or Backspace will delete the entire hyperlink, not just the error).