Download the latest version of the Symphony Messaging mobile app here:
Before signing in to the Symphony Messaging mobile app for the first time, ensure you have signed in to the Symphony Messaging Desktop Application (SDA) or browser version of Symphony Messaging to ensure your password is already set.
To sign in to Symphony Messaging:
- Open the Symphony Messaging mobile app.
- Tap Sign In.
- Enter your email address.
- Enter your Pod, Username, and Password credentials.
Your pod and username was provided to you as a Symphony Messaging admin when you first signed up for the platform. You will only need to enter your pod credentials the first time you log in to the Symphony Messaging mobile app.
- Tap Sign In.
Once logged in, you will see your existing chats and contacts appear as they sync with the desktop version of Symphony Messaging.
The next time you log in to the Symphony Messaging mobile app, it will remember your pod credentials and take you to a sign in screen asking for your email address, followed by your password.
If your company is using Single sign-on (SSO), you will be taken to your firm's SSO log in screen after you enter your email address instead.
To follow news and keep in track with the new released features of the Symphony Messaging Mobile app, have a look at the latest Mobile Release Notes.
If you require further assistance on mobile, please contact the Symphony Support team at