Key Drivers for Finance

Discover thematic trends that drive performance and uncover areas of risk, exposure and opportunity hidden in financial documents.

With Key Drivers, our NLP language modeling and scoring system, you can analyze earnings call transcripts based on key fundamental factors that drive stock performance: Capex, Capital Returns, Guidance, Headwinds and Tailwinds, Market Position, Mergers, and Acquisitions.

Key Drivers features an intuitive user interface and provides an efficient, scalable way for portfolio managers and analysts to monitor exposures, generate ideas, and quickly validate investment theses.

The key features of the Key Drivers for Finance are:

  • Portfolio/Sector Analysis provides a birds-eye view on behavioral sentiment around core fundamental equity topics.
  • Detail Data allows you to see all relevant commentary in recently published transcripts.
  • Time Series analysis monitors trends and developments across watchlists, and individual equities.
  • Screening functionality helps you find ideas that align with theses you are investigating.

This allows for increased returns with informed investment decisions that reflect the fundamentals of your business, lets you position yourself to manage risks and exposures in the stocks you own and finally gain analytical insights from anomalies based on fundamental company drivers that are undiscoverable elsewhere.