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Compliant Messaging
WeChat, WhatsApp, SMS and more:
Symphony Help Center
Compliant Messaging
WeChat Federation
Add members to a group chat on WeChat Connect
Create a group chat on WeChat Connect
Enable WeChat official account notifications
Remove members from a group chat on WeChat Connect
Resend an invite to a WeChat Connect contact
Symphony WeChat mini app QR recovery codes
See all 8 articles
WhatsApp Federation
Add members to a WhatsApp Federation group chat
Create a group chat on WhatsApp Connect
Identify if a WhatsApp Connect user is within 24 hour reply window
Identify the owner of a WhatsApp Connect room
Not possible to send an attachment and caption together WhatsApp error
Remove members from a group chat on WhatsApp Connect
See all 9 articles
LINE Federation
Add a contact to an existing LINE room
Add a new contact from the LINE mobile app
Add a new LINE contact
Create a new LINE room
Remove a contact from a LINE room
What is LINE?
SMS Federation
What is SMS Connect?
SMS Direct
SMS Direct In-network solution
SMS Direct Second number solution
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