Launch a Symphony Teams meeting

Any user with the Symphony Teams integration installed and a valid corporate Microsoft Teams license will see a Meet button displayed in all of their chat rooms.

To launch a Symphony Zoom meeting from a chat:

  1. In the MEETING dropdown menu, select the Teams option to select the type of meeting.
  2. Click the TEAMS button to start the meeting.
  3. For all upcoming meetings in this chat, just click the TEAMS  button to start a Symphony Meeting.

The Teams application will launch using your login credentials and will also send a notification to join the meeting to the room members. Users who have the Microsoft Teams desktop application installed are offered the option to launch it manually or automatically.

A message is sent with the Symphony Teams meeting details so that users not using the Symphony desktop application (SDA) can join the meeting via the Join button.

The Symphony Teams Meeting integration works in all types of internal and external rooms.

Full details on the Symphony Teams integration can be found in these guides:

If you require further assistance on the Symphony Teams integration, please contact the Symphony Support team at