How to add users to a room in bulk

You can add users in bulk to a room using a script that will automate the process via a .csv file of userIDs, alongside some configuration of the Symphony instance, authentication keys/certificates, Service Account and a RoomID.

  • The script uses Python; please install Python before attempting to run it.
  • This is an unsupported script which has been developed for users as a guideline to adapt accordingly.
  • You can view and download the entire script from this Git repository.

To use the script:

  1. Install the Python SDK file found here. This file has already been added to this script's Git repository linked above.
  2. Save the file as requirements.txt.
  3. Use the pip command:


  1. Install the Python SDK with the command:


  1. To ensure the script is executed successfully, you must have the following items which are passed through to the script:
    • RSA key pair - must be obtained from your internal IT team, as Symphony does not manage your instance.

    • config.json - in the following format:

"sessionAuthHost": "",
"sessionAuthPort": 443,
"keyAuthHost": "",
"keyAuthPort": 443,
"podHost": "",
"podPort": 443,
"agentHost": "",
"agentPort": 443,
"botRSAPath": "PATH",
"botRSAName": "BOT-RSA-NAME",
"botCertPassword": "BOT-PASSWORD",
"botUsername": "BOT-USERNAME",
"botEmailAddress": "BOT-EMAIL",
"appCertPath": "",
"appCertName": "",
"appCertPassword": "",
"proxyURL": "",
"proxyUsername": "",
"proxyPassword": "",
"authTokenRefreshPeriod": "30",
"truststorePath": ""
  • companyabc is the name of your Symphony instance
  • For certificate-based authentication, you must swap botRSAPath and botRSAName with botCertPath and botCertName.
  • You may also need to swap to for SessionAuthHost and KeyAuthHost.
  • You may also need to amend the port numbers to reflect their Symphony instance configuration.
    • userIDs.csv - the file must be formatted as shown below, with the userIDs of each account to be added to the room:


  1. To execute the script, navigate to the directory where the above files have been saved and run the command below:
python --auth "rsa" --config "/path/to/config.json" --csv "/path/to/userIDs.csv" --stream "{streamID}"