You can add users in bulk to a room using a script that will automate the process via a .csv file of userIDs, alongside some configuration of the Symphony instance, authentication keys/certificates, Service Account and a RoomID.
- The script uses Python; please install Python before attempting to run it.
- This is an unsupported script which has been developed for users as a guideline to adapt accordingly.
- You can view and download the entire script from this Git repository.
To use the script:
- Install the Python SDK file found here. This file has already been added to this script's Git repository linked above.
- Save the file as requirements.txt.
- Use the pip command:
- Install the Python SDK with the command:
- To ensure the script is executed successfully, you must have the following items which are passed through to the script:
RSA key pair - must be obtained from your internal IT team, as Symphony does not manage your instance.
config.json - in the following format:
{ |
- userIDs.csv - the file must be formatted as shown below, with the userIDs of each account to be added to the room:
- To execute the script, navigate to the directory where the above files have been saved and run the command below:
python --auth "rsa" --config "/path/to/config.json" --csv "/path/to/userIDs.csv" --stream "{streamID}"