Symphony Desktop Application (SDA) command line arguments are a list of parameters a user can tailor to a specific configuration before the SDA is loaded. This is useful when a user is regularly required to switch between different Symphony environments.
To modify the SDA command line arguments:
- Navigate to the path of your SDA setup and the Symphony shortcut location. Typically, it is located at C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Symphony\.
- When the shortcut is located, copy the original file and use the new file for the specific configuration(s). Parameters that can be configured are:
- userDataPath
- logPath
- disable-http-cache
- proxy-pac-url
- url
- To make changes, right click on the new file, navigate to the Shortcut tab and amend the Target field as required to reflect the new configuration(s).
- More than one command line argument can be used simultaneously if a user wishes to set more than 1 of the flags mentioned above, for example:
C:\Program Files\Symphony\Symphony.exe --userDataPath="C:\\Users\\example\Desktop\config" --logPath="C:\\Users\\example\Desktop\logs" --url="" -http-cache --proxy-pac-url=
- More than one command line argument can be used simultaneously if a user wishes to set more than 1 of the flags mentioned above, for example:
This flag will change the location where the SDA looks for your configuration. This is useful when there are multiple operating system profiles, for example:
This flag will change the location where the SDA will write log files to, for example:
This flag will change the way the SDA uses caching by disabling it completely, for example:
This flag will allow the SDA to use different security PAC files. This is useful if you have access to multiple pods, for example:
This flag will change pod url for the SDA. This is useful if you have access to multiple pods, for example:
- where companyabc is the name of your Symphony instance.