Symphony Desktop Application (SDA) feature entitlements

Several items of Symphony Desktop Application (SDA) functionality can be controlled via the Admin Portal as feature entitlements.

The feature entitlements that can be enabled are as follows:

  • Enable Developer Tools for SDA: Allows a user to open developer tools on the SDA.
    Enable Media access on SDA: Allows a user to participate in Symphony Meetings calls by providing permissions to camera, microphone and screen sharing.
  • Enable location access on SDA: Allows the SDA to get the location of the user.
  • Enable access to MIDI Sysex on SDA: Allows the SDA to access MIDI on a user's desktop.
  • Enable Pointer Lock on SDA: Allows the SDA to have mouse lock.
  • Enable Full screen access on SDA: Allows a user to enable full screen in certain situations, for example Symphony Meetings.
  • Allow Opening External Apps from SDA: In the case of downloads, allows the SDA to open the file manager to open a downloaded file.
  • Allow notifications on SDA: Allows users to receive new message notifications on the SDA.

Any changes to these feature entitlements will be updated in the Symphony configuration file at the next SDA login when any changes will take effect.