How to detect your camera on Citrix VDI

When trying to use video on Symphony Meetings calls on a Citrix virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI), the camera is not detected by default. Symphony Desktop Application (SDA) requires the webcam driver to be installed on the client machine for the camera to function correctly.

Note: Details on how to enable the drivers on the Citrix VDI are available here.

To allow the camera to be detected:

  1. Review the Registry data on the client computer in the Registry setting DeviceRules:


    Name: DeviceRules
    Type: REG_MULTI_SZ

Note: The Registry setting DeviceRules takes precedent over Citrix Studio, AD and Receiver.admx policies (the client computer is the computer with receiver for Windows installed). You will see that specific devices classes and subclasses are denied in the DeviceRules setting.

  1. If the device class you are attempting to redirect is listed as Deny in the DeviceRules, perform one of the following:
    1. Create a new Allow rule above the Deny rule, or
    2. Place a # in front of the target class/subclass, or
    3. Delete the entry to remove the rule that is blocking the redirection.
  1. Open Device Manager, find the target USB device and record the class, subclass, VID and PID settings.

The target device above has a Class of 03 and SubClass of 01. This matches a Deny rule in DeviceRules.

  1. Modify the DeviceRules registry entry by adding an Allow rule for the target device above the Deny rule that matches the Class and Subclass identified in step 1.

  1. Create a Client USB device redirection rules policy that applies to the target.

Once the policy is applied and the Registry is modified, the device will appear in Device manager as a Generic device.


  1. Enable the Redirect checkbox on the right so the device is ready for redirection.

After selecting Redirect in the Device manager, the device will be available in the VDA ICA session.

  1. Open Device Manager on the VDA and confirm that the device appears in the VDA session by confirming the VID and PID of the device match those in step 4.